Monday, January 7, 2013

I should be a librarian

Seriously...I have so many books. They're all arranged by genre, author, size sometimes, but rarely in alphabetical order. I just brought home my dads books and his very nice book shelf that looks fantastic in my dining room and will look even better when we get our new table and chairs. Anyhow I remembered that last year I was going to make a list of everything I read, I didn't do that but since I keep all my books anyhow I have the reference. So here's my book list of 2013, the *denotes my favorites, and these are in no particular order, except for the most part I read any series together if all the books are out...
The Hunger Games series*
The Constant Princess
The Boleyn Inheritance
The Other Queen
The Autobiography of King Henry VII*
Little Women
The 2nd and 3rd books of the Immortal Series*
Game of Thrones 1-3*
The Testament
Queen by Right*(any of Anne Easter Smiths books are wonderfully written)
The Summer Garden*(3rd in a trilogy by Paullina Simmons, love them all)

That's only 16 books and I think there may be a couple others on my nook that I read too but it's dead so I'll have to charge it up to see. But still, 16 books, at least 4 of those are around 1,000 pages so I think I read an impressive amount for owning a business, being a mom of 4, moving, having my dad pass away, and only reading for an hour a night.
I'm starting the year off by reading the fourth Game of Thrones books, it's kind of slow going compared to the last but I'm more than half through it. After that I'll start on my dads massive collection which is mostly James Patterson and John Grisham.

These pictures are the bigger bookshelves I have and don contain the medical and parenting books I have as well as any that I have up on my nightstand.

1 comment:

  1. Holy books! Girl, you got a lot more reading time then me, I'm super jealous!
